Water Proofing Products

SIVAPER S21 - Water Proofing Mortar 2K
Cementitios and polymer dipersion flexible water proofing mortar. Can be used on terraces, roofs and similar surfaces where water contact with the surface. Sıvaper S21 can be applied on Sıvaper Perlite Based screeds in order to protect surface from water.
Package : 20 kg paper bags (powder component) + 10 kg plastic drum (liquid component)
SIVAPER S22 - Water Proofing Mortar
Cementitious products provide protection against water. Some special powder additives are used in order to enhance water proofing and strength of the product. Can be used on terraces, roofs and similar surfaces where water contact with the surface. Sıvaper S22 can be applied on Sıvaper Perlite Based screeds in order to protect surface from water.
Package : 20 kg paper bagsTechnical values and descriptions written on this website is for information purpose only. Product packages can be different than those showed on this pages. Tasper Company reserves rights to change the technical values and characteristics of the products. Technical values and descriptions written on the product packages are only valid.