All the headings herein are active and click-able. When you click the Heading You Go Through The Related Chapter
- According to 4 basic categories / 8 pages.
- According to Product Titles / 4 pages.
- According to Products by Category /4 pages.
- According to Products by Subject / 4 pages.
- According to Usage Areas / 30 pages.
- By Brand names / 4 pages.
- List according to the Applications list in the sectors / 4 pages.
- Product List Classified by Customer Needs / 4 pages.
- SIVAPER ® Thermal Insulating Plaster (15 products
- TASPER ® Expanded Perlite (6 products)
- BAUCHEM ® Construction Chemicals (39 products)
- BAUSEAL ® Waterproofing (13 products)
- TEKNIKMAK ® Perlite Expansion And Construction Chemicals Plants (8 products)
- Products of our brands ( Sıvaper, Teknikmak, Tasper, Bauchem, Bauseal ) are available under PRODUCTS section on their web pages.
- We announce an informative method herein for a broader publicity and communication.
- Detailed lists of our products prepared for the convenience of those who are interested in our products.
- Lists cover the links of product pages of our brands. The product data is screened when the selected web page link is clicked
Our Brands and Relative Product Group;
- Sections:
- 1.Thermal Insulation & Water Proofing
- 2.Expanded Perlites
- 3.Construction Of Plants & Machinery
- 4.Construction Chemicals
According to 4 basic categories / 8 pages.
- Shortest list according to product titles
- It is arranged alphabetically by product name.
According to Product Titles / 4 pages.
- Adhesives
- Admixtures
- Construction Chemicals Production Plants
- Expanded Perlite
- Grouts
- Insulation
- Thermal İnsulation
- Water Proofing
- Mortar Admixtures
- Mortars
- Moulds
- Mould Oils
- Oils
- Perlit Expansion Plants
- Plasters
- Poles
- Primers
- Production Plants
- Screeds
- Stoppers
- Surface Hardeners
According to Products by Category / 4 pages.
Arranged in 21 categories.
According to Products by Subject / 4 pages.
46 topics are listed in alphabetical order.
- Sections:
- 1/ In The Construction Industry
- 2 / Sectoral Usages Of Expanded Perlite
- 3/ Production Plants
According to Usage Areas / 30 pages.
The most detailed list.
- Sivaper
- Tasper
- Bauchem
- Bauseal
- Sections:
- 1/ According To The Needs Of Construction Sector
- 2/ Other Sectors (Usages Of Expanded Perlite) [Usage areas of Expanded Perlite in 22 industries]
- Sections:
- 1/ According To The Needs Of Construction Sector
- 2/According To The Needs Of İndustrial Sector
- 3/According To The Needs Of Agricultural Sector
- 4/Others
By Brandnames / 4 pages.
List according to the Applications list in the sectors / 4 pages.
Detailed List