Success Stories
- Sıvaper® is innovative company and has developed formulas with versatile perlite especially which well coincides with heat insulation and water reppellency as it is very light and natural material.
- Sıvaper® products are "Perlite Cementitious" a volcano powder treated in special high temperature Furnaces (900-1000 C degree), mixed with cement and other ingredients by a unique formula and proportion to offer an amazing 6 in 1 insulation characteristics: Thermal, Fire, Sound insulation, Water Reppellency.
- Sıvaper® Perlite Plaster, Perlite Screed, Perlite Based Water Proofing Products, Perlite Based Complementary Products are Made in Turkey products.
- Moving our country culture beyond the borders as Anatolian Housing Culture is the unique example of the first housing culture created by the mankind in the world.
- Our initiative favouring innovative products with locally available versatile perlite sources of our own has become an important step in creating added value rapidly.
- Sıvaper® has developed patented products
- All Insulations in 1 plaster product .. ALL in ONE insulation..Fire,Thermal, Sound and Water reppellency and environmental friendly and very light, affordable and unbeatable. Just apply it as regular plaster..No need for sand at all, just add water and use…All insulation in one product
- SIVAPER ®, the leading Building Mate Materials are used to cover Exterior & Interior Walls like any cladding materials such as Marble and Ceramic but using the methodology of plastering (3-5 cm thickness) instead & to cover Floors as well.
- SIVAPER ® insulated products is a building mate for its Light Weight, Fire resistant (Class A), Thermal Insulation (T1 & T2), Sound & moisture Insulation (Breathable Walls), Environment Friendly and very easy to apply: same as plastering, no special skills are needed and any plastering professional can apply the same techniques on perlite plastering.
- SIVAPER ® products is used in ALL types of buildings such as: Residential (Villas, Towers), Commercials (Offices and Malls), Industrials, Recreational, Mosques, Schools, Hotels and Hospitals, etc...
- SIVAPER ® product basically is known as perlite cementitiuos, composes of perlite ( volcano rocks, powdered and heated in high temperature ovens - similar to bricks and ceramic ovens) forming light perlite (look like small popcorn 1-3 mm ).This material added with scientific proportion to cement, polymer, polyfiber, silicon to make this unique type of perlite cement.
- The specs of SIVAPER ® materials is unique to the building, such as :
· Thermal insulating ( T1 & T2 keep Heat or cold)
· Water repellent
· Fire resistance – Class A1
· Reduces pulsed sounds
· Very light than traditional mortars, Plaster.
· Provides breathable walls with its porous structure
· Doesn’t cause humidity
· Applied as traditional methods as plastering
· Environment friendly
· Very affordable Price - Perlite Cementitiuos as SIVAPER ® is used since 1970+ in the industrial countries, for building elevations and floors. It's commonly used in most new buildings all over the world in Exterior-Interior, flooring and Commercial Kitchen areas and industrial building where need high Fire resistance. ( Class A).
- The distinctiveness of this products is not about the PRICES but about the QUALITY, the INGREDIENTS and the TECHNIQUE of mix & proportion which make SIVAPER ® a leading company in its industry.
- Turkey is 3rd biggest perlite producer.(220.000 Metric ton production) (*)
- Turkey is 2nd biggest of construction industry.
- Construction industry stimulates construction chemicals industry.